EGAIR is online
Welcome to the official website of the European Guild for Artificial Intelligence Regulation. EGAIR represents a group of professionals from the creative field, associations and companies pushing for a European regulation of AI companies.
In October 2022 MeFu, the Italian association of comic book creators, began working with artist LRNZ to reach the European Institutions and ask for an integration of the European AI Act. At the same time, thanks to the help of artists and the Concept Art Association, MeFu was able to get in touch with professionals and associations from all over Europe, building a network of European citizens all focused on the same goal.
That network is the bedrock of EGAIR. EGAIR coordinates the activities centered around the European Institutions and provides its supporters and contributors with the necessary resources to present our stances to media and the general public.
EGAIR was also born to offer a clear point of reference to anyone seeking help, advices or information on AI regulation. Here you will be able to find our Manifesto, frequently asked questions, useful links, the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter and ways to get in touch with our team. If you support us and you signed the Manifesto, in the Links section you will also find our personalized templates to share your support on your social media.
If you haven’t done it yet and if you can afford it, please consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign. Each month we need approximately 3.500€ to pay for our lobbying agency, VERA Studio. We need your help to reach our goal and secure the services of the agency for at least 18 months. We are currently set for the first part of 2023, but more work will need to be done.
Whether you are already a donor, you want to donate or you can just sign the Manifesto and support us via social media, the whole EGAIR team thanks you for your help!